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Siena: experiences at Civic Museum and Duomo Museum

During our trip in October, we are planning a day trip to Siena from Florence. Planning on doing Rick Steves' self walk tour, climbing Torre del Mangia, and spending time around Il Campo and just walking around by ourselves. I try not to plan too many things, but like to figure out ahead of time our 'must do's' and also have some back ups of interest if there's time.

So would love to hear if you've been to both museums, what you liked or didn't like. We are not big art museum people, so I'm thinking we would choose one and not do both. Or neither. :-) They are both fairly equally rated on TripAdvisor and Rick gives them equal rating in the guidebook.

Edit - I forgot to include that the Duomo is on the list too of what we plan to visit.


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2521 posts

I thought the Duomo Cathedral was a total awe-inspiring knockout! I would do it again in a heartbeat. It will be of interest I think just because the floors are so amazing, covered with intricate designs. There is also a statue of Paul (I think) that Michelangelo carved that is outstanding.

Are you interested in churches? If so, then this is one that is unique.

Judy B

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221 posts

Judy B,
Yes, sorry, I meant to include the actual Duomo is on the list too! Enjoy art and history together so interested in seeing the church as it looks and sounds stunning from the videos and descriptions I've seen.

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297 posts

The Cathedral is amazingly beautiful. The mosaic scenes on the floor are story telling. The patron saint Catherine of Siena, who was instrumental in returning the Pope to Rome, has her resting place there. Among others.

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1081 posts

I thought the Duomo in Siena was one of the most beautiful churches that I have visited in Europe. The floors were amazing. I would recommend that you visit the Duomo Museum and go to the top of Facciatone which is the unfinished facade of what was supposed to be the right nave of the new Duomo. From there you will have a great view of Siena. The wait time to go up the Torre del Mangia was too long so I was glad we went to the top of the Facciatone. Siena is a great town for just walking around.

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2456 posts

Debbie, when I was in Siena in 2014, the beautiful floor of the Duomo had just been uncovered (not always the case, it seems) and they were offering a new "Cielo" tour up into the structure of the building, which allowed you to look down upon the floor and sanctuary space from above. Very nice. Photos were allowed, but with no flash, which is what later pushed me to change my camera/phone equipment to enable low light photography with no flash. I also climbed the Facciatone for beautiful photos of the Duomo and the cityscape. The owner of my B & B encouraged me to climb the Facciatone instead of the Torre, as the views were as good and the climb much easier and less confining. I believe I bought a combo ticket for a Duomo Tour, Cielo walk, and Facciatone Climb for about 25 euros.

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99 posts

We had been to Siena in November 2016 and stayed there for 2 nights. Personally I liked the Torre Mangia views better than the Facciatone, well from the tower which is a lot higher you get sweeping views of the cathedral, Il Campo and town and from the facciatone you see the city hall and the tower. The Cathedral itself is superb although we were unlucky to have the floor mosaics covered when we visited. The Opa si pass covering the Duomo, Baptistery, Crypt, Museum and Facciatone is worth the money if you stay overnight (its technically valid for 3 days). Another reason to stay overnight is the superb medieval ambience of Siena at night when day trippers disappear. I loved our evening strolls around the town and having a snack sitting on the Il Campo under the stars. We visited the Duomo museum which is compact and has great art along with the Facciatone gallery.
I would urge you to consider staying overnight in Siena if just for a night, you won't regret it.

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225 posts

I say go for the Duomo floors, as well.

This is an email response from the OPA Si answering my question about when the floor will be revealed:
The Cathedral floor will be uncovered every day from August 18th to October 27th

Certainly not something you can see every day.

And certainly the reason I am trying to find room for a day in Siena in my itinerary for late summer. The Duomo is beautiful, but I missed out seeing the floor when I visited before. I'd hate to be as close as Florence and not see the floor while uncovered. We shall see.

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221 posts

Thanks for all your responses! Sounds like if we decide we have time in addition to what I felt were our must do's, that the Duomo Museum (maybe a combo ticket) would be the way to go. I try hard not to overdo things, but also like to have a second tier of options in case something else doesn't work out or we do have time for additional sites.

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8151 posts

Be aware there is also a superb museum of "wall" art, the Pinacotecca, mostly Gothic because the Renaissance came late to Siena. You'll often be alone, unlike the first two named museums.

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8796 posts

On my first trip to Italy with my husband 35 years ago we rented a little place outside Siena and so went into Siena for dinner our first night and then to the Duomo the next day. It was the most jaw dropping place I had ever been -- just stunning and I have returned many times since. I just love it. It is particularly wonderful during the periods they uncover the floors, but even at other times, they have a few of the inlays exposed. Just a wonderful place. The museum is good; there are a few fine pieces; there is also access to the unfinished Cathedral wall (abandoned during the black plague) and it is an excellent viewpoint out over the town. Not as good as the Torre Mangia, but still worth doing. The town hall is also a must and you can get a combo ticket with the Torre Mangia.

Here is my last climb of the Torre Mangia
I do love Siena. Have a drink on the Campo under a full moon or whatever moon you can get. Wonderful romantic place.