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sidecar in Chianti

We take a scooter tour thoughout Chianti every year....this year my wife is pregnant and I have my 3 year old son along. I can't find a sidecar to rent...Any suggestions on how I can accomodate them? I dont feel comfortable taking both of them on my scooter either.....

Posted by
32417 posts

Mark, Given the circumstances, a compact car would likely be a better method of travel for your wife and son. I doubt that a Sidecar would be that comfortable for your wife for any length of time.

Posted by
92 posts

yes we have a car...its just a 5 hour tour through some top sites in Chianti.....everybody else is on a scooter...thats the issue

Posted by
800 posts

Out of curiosity - What have you done the last 3 years with your son and wife?

Posted by
92 posts

We always had a sitter for my son and my wife had her own scooter...I want my son to come, but Im scared of him coming and sitting on the back or in the front

Posted by
2349 posts

Mark, there comes a time in every man's life when he says, "Holy crap! I have a wife and kids! How did this happen? Guess my carefree days are over." That day has come for you, young man. You can try the scooter thing again, in 2031.

Posted by
92 posts

hahaha too funny whats funny is, she is the one who wants to do the scooter tour! But she wants me to ride in the car with my son.....My wife is definitely a spitfire...

Posted by
1201 posts

I haven't done these but they look like fun. Same kind of tour but instead of scooters, they use vintage Fiat 500 cars. although depending on how pregnant your wife will be, she might not want to fold herself into a Fiat 500.

Posted by
1825 posts

You have a young family and travel to Italy every year. Your life sounds pretty blessed. If whether you can use a scooter this year or not is your biggest worry than your life is unimaginably blessed.

Posted by
791 posts

Maybe I'm just not reading something're looking for a scooter with a sidecar? correct? Not saying they don't exist but have never seen one (and have only seen one actual motorcycle with one since I've been in Italy). I'm curious now to know if they do exist. I've never rented a scooter so no experience with this. Anyone?

Posted by
92 posts

yes....I dont know if they exist or not! I can ride a motorcycle, so no problem My wife absolutely loves going through the chianti region on the backroads in a scooter. But this time we want to take our 3 year old son..... we do it every year...its great. Everyone should try it for a day

Posted by
92 posts

we do have a home base in a farmhouse near poggibonsi, and we do have a rental car....we use that for getting everywhere we need to go. We get about 8 people and drive and visit old towns and wineries and whatnot. Total blast

Posted by
92 posts

Thank you richard. I have a good life because I choose to have one. Everybody makes choices in their life and I try to make good ones. Ascribing our situation over someone elses to a higher power doesn't make sense to me. We are all given the same gifts, its what we do with them that matters.. Plus I dont have any toys like other men...I like to travel and eat well, and thats what I spend my money on.

Posted by
791 posts

Don't know.....given the doubt of the existense of 'em and the safety factor for a 3 yr old and pregnant wife you may want to consider a car. Or maybe just letting your wife go off on her own while you watch your son?? whatever you do...hope you have fun!

Posted by
92 posts

yes my wife was in China with our son a year ago and he rode with one of Abby's friends all around town in Taiwan in the front between the handle bars and the seat. He loved it... Of course that freaks me out. I told Abby "Im not used to driving a scooter every day, plus you aren't going 10mph in traffic, you are going 30mph on an empty road" Its only for about 6 hours, still Im worried...just not looking forward to driving in the car while everyone is on scooters...

Posted by
92 posts

RS should put a picture board up here and lets us upload pics!

Posted by
24 posts

It is quite common in Italy to see alarmingly young children holding on the back of a motorbike or scooter. For me, the combination of a pregnant wife and 3yr old might push the balance of risk just a little too far. Would a car not be better? An alternative (not the same, I know) would be something like which although nothing to do with scooters looks like a lot of fun and an interesting way to see Tuscany.

Posted by
515 posts

please put the scooter trip pics on Flickr and post us a link, love to see them. Also you should do a baseline count of your grey hairs so that after this vacation you will be able to count how many you gained.

Posted by
32417 posts

Mark, Vespa Sidecars DO exist, but like Ron (Cesena) mentioned, I've never seen one in Italy. Have a look at: Given the age of your Son, I'm not sure if this would be a "safe" mode of transport for him (regardless of how much fun he thinks it is).

Posted by
791 posts

Cool! Looks like they'd be fun. Thanks for the link.