I'm about to press the purchase button for our first RS tour (of Sicily); but before I do, thought I'd inquire just a little bit further.
We're far from fans of hot weather for extended periods of walking -- something we'll certainly be doing on the tour. For that we much prefer temps in the low to mid-60s as opposed to even, say, the low to mid-70s. That said, we seem to have settled on taking the tour roughly March 29 thru April 11th (and also avoiding any Easter crowds later in April). We know it will be cool - a plus for walking -- but I'm beginning to wonder if during those times we'd like to stop and watch the world go by with a glass of wine in an outdoor cafe or care to partake in a nightime passeggiata, whether we'd we find ourselves in overly chilled or dreary conditions.
Could anybody who has actually been to Sicily during this time frame or otherwise has good personal knowledge of the conditions at that time weigh in with your thoughts? Thanks! - Mike