Does someone know the best and cheapest way to get from Palermo to Sciacca, Sicily? We are staying near the train station in Palermo and wish to take a bus down to Sciacca. Is there a bus near the train station that goes to Sciacca? Any help is welcomed.
These are all the companies authorized to operate in Sicily (the website is from the Sicily Regional gov't). Choose your city. Apparently the company operating buses from Palermo to Sciacca is called "Gallo". Somehow I can't seem to open their website. Try if you can: But I found this: Otherwise there is the option of taking a train from Palermo to Agrigento and then from agrigento take the bus with the Lumia company to Sciacca: Everything is in Italian but it's not that hard if you know these words: PARTENZA=departure ARRIVO=arrival
FERIALI=Mon-Sat FESTIVO=Sun and Holidays