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Sicily Suggestion for RS

Rick, why no travel book for Sicily, or at least a large section (even a small one) in your Italy book ?

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28450 posts

I believe it has been reported on this forum that a Sicily book has been in the works for some time.

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11294 posts

Yes, a Sicily book was even promoted as "official announcement coming soon," but nothing further came of it. Who knows what's up with it at the moment.

As for a Sicily section in the Italy book, one of Rick's staff posted here that his publisher has laid down the law: the book cannot be one page longer than it already is. So, to add any places, he would have to take out places - and he doesn't want to do that. Some have suggested he split his book into Northern Italy and Southern Italy, and I like that idea too (Rome could be in both books, and then he could not only include Sicily, but also places south of the Amalfi Coast on the mainland). But again, at this time it's only a wish.

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86 posts

Harold, the North South idea is the very one, makes perfect sense. RS, are you listening ?

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3303 posts

Other than a “local” book for Sicily, the island is too large with too much to see to add to the already bloated Italy guide book. Should we add Sardinia, Elba, Turin, Emilia Romagna, The Piedmont, Bari and Brindisi? The book alone would exceed the carry on weight limit.

There are no perfect guidebooks. Sometimes you just have to do research on your own. When I planned a trip to Sardinia and Corsica, I got various guides from local libraries and scoured the Internet. Maybe I missed something, perhaps I discovered something. Just part of the fun planning a trip!

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5298 posts


I contacted RS Travel Center a few weeks ago to ask when the RS Sicily book would be available. I was told that it will be out in 2019.

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70 posts

We have done 7 RS tours and our April 2016 tour of Sicily ranks at the top. Regarding a guide book option, we used the DK guide for Sicily available on Amazon. For books not offered by RS, we find DK to be very informative.
If you have any additional time to relax....consider a stay in Taormina. Beautiful coastal location.
Sicily is fabulous and the people so welcoming. We are flying out next week for 3 weeks in Italy. Day tripping from Orvieto, Florence and Rapallo for this trip.
Enjoy and safe travels.