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Sicily is in Italy?

Hello, am off to Sicily shortly and have just bought Rick Steve’s Italy, having been very impressed with his Venice guide book. No sign of Sicily in it!?


Mark Heaton

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2509 posts

I looked at the 'Shop Online' section on this site - no Rick Steves guidebook for Sicily, but there is a Lonely Planet book.

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1103 posts

RS is working on a Sicily guidebook - it should be out soon.

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16387 posts

Yes, The territory of Sicily is currently temporarily occupied by the Italians.
That might change in the future, as it has often changed in the past when Sicily was occupied by the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans, etc.
For this reason Rick Steves has decided to treat it as a separate country and it will have its own guidebook.

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905 posts

RS Tours with no RS guidebook: Sicily and Bulgaria.
RS guidebook with no RS Tour: Iceland.
There is no RS "Turkey" guidebook, but there is one for Istanbul.

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3112 posts

There have been recent discussions on this forum about when Rick's new Sicily guidebook will be released (do a search - top of page). If it's not available before you depart, the Lonely Planet Sicily guidebook is also good.

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50 posts

We're going to Sicily in March, so I was also interested in a RS Sicily guide. I contacted the company and was told that the first RS Sicily guidebook will be available in May. They recommended getting the Lonely Planet guidebook.

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2456 posts

I expect the RS Sicily guide book will be very good. Maybe you could re-schedule your trip.

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316 posts

The Lonely Planet guidebook is the best one currently out there. Rick Steve's staff told me his would be out in May. Too late for me!

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7457 posts

Until it comes out, guess you’ll have to use another guide and do some research without Rick’s guidance. There are some websites out there with good information. The “Sicilia” regional website on Facebook has some good photos from all around the island. They may give you some ideas.

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4183 posts

In the meantime, you can find quite a bit of info on Sicily right here in the Explore Europe section of the RS website. There are many links to other resources on Sicily. I expect a lot of that info will be coming soon to a new guidebook near you.

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1005 posts

My husband and I spent 3 weeks in Sicily Oct. 1 - 23, 2018, planning the trip with Lonely Planet Sicily & The Rough Guide To Sicily books. Also got helpful advice from this forum and the Trip Advisor forum where "Vagabonda," a Sicily expert (I believe she lives in Palermo) is a wealth of knowledge. The websites and have lots of info among many other websites too. We flew in and out of Palermo, rented a car and did a counterclockwise circuit of the island also going inland for 2 nights (Piazza Armerina). It was our first time in Sicily and we loved it! October 2017 we did the Puglia region with info from L.P. Southern Italy book, travel forums & web sites. Loved Puglia too!

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11847 posts

We used DK Eyewitness "SICILY" and the Michelin Green Guide for Sicily this past October and were pleased with these books. I have never liked using Lonely Planet so was happy to find the books I used.