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Sicily handicapped accessibility

Is it feasible to visit Sicily while recovering from a fall and foot surgery. Injury in January and arriving end of May. Would it make more sense to cancel and go at a later date. Thank you!

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585 posts

It depends on what you want to see. Visiting archaeological sites would not be advisable, they tend to be rough walking and marble can be slippery. Lots of towns are on top of hills and have narrow cobbled streets. Even in the larger towns the sidewalks can be rough. I have had experience of ankle injury recently and it can take a year for it to fully recover. Add the heat of Sicily to the mix and you could end up having a less than stellar time. If you can delay it would be better.

I strongly suggest you take a cane or hiking poles with you; I always travel with my cane and it has been most useful when needing to take the weight off my ankle for a few minutes.

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4657 posts

Though it is best to have your health professionals answer this question, stranger's anecdotal remarks may help you decide whether to proceed or not. Not knowing age, weight, injury, travel plan - whether a tour or on your own - makes it hard for us to know whether answers would help or not.
But, as an overweight aging woman, a foot injury that wasn't scanned or xrayed; but most likely more extensive damage than originally diagnosed - I took over 2 years to really heal. I traveled in mainland Spain more than a year after the injury and there was frequent pain. That was a lot of standing, walking and carrying luggage. And cobblestone streets are hard on even healthy feet. As mentioned, Sicily may offer a whole other set of challenges particularly for the fine internal foot muscles, balance and increased risk of trip and falls.