Hi My wife and I are both 71 and are in fairly good shape. We are signed up for RS 11 day Sicily tour April 2023
My question is how many hills and steep stairs are involved on this tour. We did the RS Venice, Florence and Rome tour in 2018 and did not have any issues and that was when I had 2 bad hips. I now have 2 new hips which are wonderful and pain free. We are both upbeat and enjoy the camaraderie of the clientele of the RS tour philosophy. Thank you for any input on this Sicily Tour. Thanks. Fred W
I am a little older than the two of you, but was just a little younger than you are now when I took this wonderful tour. I had one good knee (replaced) and one bad knee and don't remember it being difficult for me. I absolutely loved Sicily and am so glad I took the tour. I loved Taormina, the Greek temples, Mt. Etna, Siracusa.....just everything.
I haven't gone on this tour, yet. However, my experience on RS tours is that if a situation comes up where it would be too hard on a tour member, that they can "Opt out" or even catch a taxi to the destination across town vs. walk. I've seen thoughtful guides find ways for people to have access.
As I recall, the place with the most steps was at Segesta, hills at Erice and at the Valley of the Temples. But it should be manageable. By all means, discuss with the tour leader and they can advise. I have a bad knee and it was the standing around in museums that was uncomfortable, but manageable.
Thank you for your each of your replies. We truly appreciate each one. All the Best on your future travels. Fred and Debbie W.
I don't have advice but we are going on the Sicily tour June 2023. Have a great time!
My 75 yr. old husband didn’t have any trouble with this trip - one replaced knee and the right one can have a bad day. I can usually tell by how much Advil he has to take and he didn’t need much. I will say that if it’s wet, there might be a couple of places that could be tricky. At Segesta, we took a bus up to the top and then walked down- you could use the road or path and then there’s more uphill/stairs if you decide to visit the temple. The walk uphill in Erice was pretty stiff, but our downhill walk was on a gentler path to the left as you leave the castle ruins. Valley of the Temples was another start-at-the-top-walk-down, and at Taormina there were stairs up to the Amphitheater, but it was easy to find a handrail for the descent and my husband was still eager to climb the stairs at Castelmola afterwards to see the stunning views.