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Shroud of Turin to be shown in rare live broadcast event on Saturday April 11

I was just checking the day’s news/stats on Covid-19 in Piedmont, and ran across this article that says that they will be displaying the Shroud of Turin “live” from the Cathedral of Turin on Saturday April 11 from 16:30-18:30 Central European time (that would be 10:30 am Saturday Eastern time or 7:30 am on the West Coast).

The La Stampa story (link below) contains a link to the Facebook page where you will be able to watch the ceremony — the broadcast it will be available in English and sign language in addition to Italian.

Go to Facebook and search *Sindone 2020* - if you scroll down the page a little, you will see where they have already posted the feed for the English version, which says it will go live in xx number of hours.

La diretta sarà in cross-posting anche sulle pagine Facebook della diocesi, dell’Ufficio di pastorale giovanile, della Regione Piemonte e della Città di Torino,

“The live broadcast will also be cross-posted in the FB pages of the diocese, of the youth group, of the Region of Piedmont, and the City of Turin.”

I thought this could be interesting for anyone celebrating Easter this weekend or just for those with an interest in the Shroud.

Posted by
759 posts

Thank you Kim.

I will pass this information on to several folks I think will be interested.

Travel/Stay safe

Posted by
521 posts

Thanks for sharing this! I will definitely try to watch. I visited the Shroud museum in Torino a few years ago and found it so interesting!

Posted by
10351 posts

Thanks for finding and posting the English-language reference, Joe!

Jane, we are fine, thanks for asking. My husband and I are finally over our Covid cases. I had the lightest case known to man, and he had a mild case all things considered, but still it wasn’t fun — he had fever for 9-10 days, and severe muscle aches, headaches and dizziness that continues for another 5-6 days even after the fever was done. But most importantly thank God he never had any respiratory difficulty or distress.

Yesterday I finally reached my 20 days after I had my first symptoms, which is the time frame our doctor gave me after which I would no longer be contagious. So now I can go out and enjoy that hour’s walk within 1 km of my apartment!

So we are doing lots better, although still worried about our parents. Marco’s folks of course in Piedmont and I don’t know if you noticed, but the 2nd OK death due to Covid-19 was in Cleveland. Considering we have about 1/10th of 1% of the population of a state that has about 1% of the U.S. population, I found that pretty incredible.

Y’all stay safe in Creek County!!

Posted by
6576 posts

Thanks for the update, Kim. I'm glad you and Marco are doing so much better. And yes, I thought about your family when I saw that one of the deaths was in Cleveland.

Creek County is still being its pig-headed independent self, but so far only 2 deaths here. 80 in Oklahoma now.

So get out for your walk, already! Sending a virtual hug your way; you'll get a real one next time you're back in God's Country.

Posted by
1025 posts

@kim in Paris -

I did not look at your thread. Jane emailed and told me y’all have had COVID. Sorry you all have gone thru it and recovering. In Broken Arrow and home. I am able to work for 3 days. We only have 3-4 of coming in and taking our precautions. Store is closed but making customer’s mental health in check. When I go to get groceries, I go with gloves and mask. Social distancing, etc. hubs and I take our temps regularly. We feel fine.

Stay safe and be well

Kim - BA, Oklahoma

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14921 posts

"Paris Kim" - I am so sorry you and your husband got this dang virus but so very glad you are both on the mend.

Posted by
10351 posts

Thanks Jane, Kim, and Pam.

May you have a blessed Easter weekend.

Posted by
4951 posts

Oh, wow, Kim! I am glad you two are recovering!

I grew up in southern OK and 2nd case in my home city is at a nursing home - not the assisted living where my mom is quarantined but still. She wanted to stay put and is happy, but I worry. So I know you must be REALLY worried about your in-laws!

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2331 posts

This thread has meandered from the Shroud, but I'll jump on. My mother's family was from Antlers, OK, and Paris, TX, was their go-to place for things like hospital, shopping, and so forth (46 miles away, population probably 15,000 in those days). In later years, one cousin received a postcard from her best childhood friend from Paris, France: "This is a lot like Paris, TX, only bigger." Best to all you fellow okies. I have lots of family still there.