I was just checking the day’s news/stats on Covid-19 in Piedmont, and ran across this article that says that they will be displaying the Shroud of Turin “live” from the Cathedral of Turin on Saturday April 11 from 16:30-18:30 Central European time (that would be 10:30 am Saturday Eastern time or 7:30 am on the West Coast).
The La Stampa story (link below) contains a link to the Facebook page where you will be able to watch the ceremony — the broadcast it will be available in English and sign language in addition to Italian.
Go to Facebook and search *Sindone 2020* - if you scroll down the page a little, you will see where they have already posted the feed for the English version, which says it will go live in xx number of hours.
La diretta sarà in cross-posting anche sulle pagine Facebook della diocesi, dell’Ufficio di pastorale giovanile, della Regione Piemonte e della Città di Torino,
“The live broadcast will also be cross-posted in the FB pages of the diocese, of the youth group, of the Region of Piedmont, and the City of Turin.”
I thought this could be interesting for anyone celebrating Easter this weekend or just for those with an interest in the Shroud.