Any advice on whether to get shots (for tetenus, etc.) before travel? My doctor thinks I should, but she may just want to keep me in her revenue stream.
I would do it, especially if you're planning on dangling your bare feet in the canals in Venice. :-)
How up-to-date is your tetanus shot? Check to see when you had last one, if less than 5 years you will be okay.
Your tetanus shot is good for 10 years and should always be current. Whooping cough (pertussis) is making a come back and can make adults quite sick for weeks! It's included as a bonus in the tetanus shot. IMO, it's money well invested.
I dont worry about it much
If you're worried about it, go ahead. If not, don't. This isn't Africa or southeast Asia, you should be fine. (I even dipped my feet in the canals in Venice! Stayed healthy, too!)
Robert, I suspect your Physician is considering your best interests and advising accordingly. Depending on which countries you'll be visiting (you didn't specify?), some vaccinations may be mandatory. You may wish to have a look at The CDC Website for information on travel vaccinations. You may be interested to know that while our socialized medicine covers essential vaccinations, travel is not included so I also have to visit the local Travel Medicine Clinic and pay for any vaccinations required for travel. Reviewing these for travel is also a good way to ensure that I keep the essentials up-to-date. Cheers!
If it makes you feel better go ahead but it's not a requirement to enter Italy.
The chances of being exposed to diseases such as Hepatitis A are just as great, if not higher, in North America (food handlers in restaurants who haven`t washed their hands properly). As a general precaution for everyday living anywhere, Hepatitis A and B are probably a good idea. As a previous post mentioned, it is always a good idea to have Tetanus shots up to date no matter where you are. Italy is one of the G7 countries; health risks are not a problem any more so than here in N.America.
I am a physician in practice for 30 plus years and have only heard of 1-2 cases in our large 400 bed hospital. The only illness you will get in europe is the common cold most likely from someone in your tour group or on the airplane.