I would like to purchase an Alviero Martini bag in Venice. This is the leather with the map design. Does anyone know who sells this brand in Venice? Thanks.
All the designer bag/clothes stores are between San Marco and the Academia. From the end of the square oppisite from the Basalica, follow the signs to the Academia. You will see all the big names (Gucci, Fendi, D&G, etc.) on your walk. If your bag is in Venice, it will be on that walk.
PS. don't buy from the Africians selling the knock offs. If caught you can get nailed with a huge fine.
If you go to the Alviero Martini website, you'll find a heading 'stores'. Venice is not listed, but both Padova (Padua) and Verona are, and they are an easy train journey (Padua is about 40 minutes, Verona is further away) from Venice.