When shopping in Italy, do the shops provide a bag for your purchases? I have heard in some countries people are expected to provide their own (ich is a much more ecological approach than the wasteful american way of doing things). Just want to be prepared for my shopping excursions!
We found that most shops where you buy souvenir type items a bag is provided. Where we shopped at a large grocery store in Liguria you had to pay (a small fee) for each plastic bag, so bringing your own or recycling each time would be more economical.
Bags were supplied for everything I purchased in Rome, and at the Florence outlets.
Shopped all over Italy and got bags including wonderful cloth bags for leather goods.
In Italy we were always given a bag with a purchase, including the grocery stores. In Germany we had to buy the grocery bags.
We always carry fold up bags in our daypack just in case. In most grocery stores you are expected to bag your own items.
Hi Suzie, years ago I was not provided a shopping bag while shopping Europe. I purchased a mesh bag that I have had for over 30 years now. Fortunately everyone provides you with a bag of some sorts, usually plastic now a days. I still bring my mesh bag many places, including my local grocery store to be an eco minded human. :-)
While shopping at the grocery stores in Italy, you have to pay for a bag or use your own.