Hi everyone.Just want some suggestions regarding shopping is iit cheaper to shop in London or Paris? Thank you.
If you're looking for fashions, I can't advise you, though I know that international brands are a large part of what's on offer. If you're looking for something unique to your destination, then buy it when you see it, rather than hoping to run into it again. If all else is equal, then shop at the end of the trip so you're not carrying purchases any longer than necessary.
You may get more suggestions for London and Paris by posting in their respective sections of the Forum.
However if you're shopping for fashion items, Milan is usually a good bet. Lots of posh stores there.
it might sound obvious, but it depends on your exchange rate. our dollar is OK against the euro , but not too strong against the pound, so Europe is cheaper than the UK for us. that said we find almost everything in Europe and the UK much much more expensive than in Australia, we found that last year and now, this year. for identical items. we go home empty handed, so do your homework.
You question needs a little clarity concerning what you mean by shopping? And cheaper is very relative when asking about London or Paris. In general everything is cheaper in the US simply because of the VAT.