Are there any options to when having problems with a parcel shipped from Venice? We bought a painting in Venice and had it shipped. We were told it was shipped but FedEx has no record of it. Any suggestions? Thanks.
You need to contact the original vendor. Get a tracking number, and hopefully you put it on a credit card so that you can challenge the charge if never arrives. Your option are few beyond talking to the seller.
I purchased a painting in Venice, May '09. It took almost 2 months to receive it. It seems that when shipping artwork, there are certain permits that have to be acquired. The painting has to be certified that it isn't some antiquity being smuggled out of the country. Once it gets green lighted, and the paperwork in order, the vendor can then ship it. Contact the vendor from whom you made the purchase to get updated on it's status.
Thanks for the info. Response from the vendor has not been great, only one reply so far.