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Shipping from Florence

Hi all. It may have been mentioned, but I can’t seem to find it. Where can I ship a box of random things home from Florence? It looks like the weather is turning a corner, so I’m thinking of using the opportunity to ship my heavy water proof boots and some of my thicker wool shirts as well as a few souvenirs home to lighten my load (and to give me room to buy new things) before I leave for Rome in a few days. Backpacking is certainly easier for solo travel, but between last week’s and next week’s weather, it seems like I almost needed two completely different wardrobes. Thanks!

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28594 posts

I trust one of our current or previous residents of Italy will respond. Decades ago the word was that you should not use the Italian postal system for anything like this, because there was a good chance the articles wouldn't arrive. For that reason, people chose to do their mailing from the Vatican Post Office. Things may now be fine in the Italian postal system for all I know, but I'm afraid you're going to be shocked at the cost. I'd suggest doing some Googling to see whether you can find the shipping charges online. Of course, you could go to one of the private companies (DHL, UPS, FedEx). They will almost certainly cost more than the post office.

Be sure you fill out the customs form properly, indicating that the goods are used. You won't want to pay customs duty on top of probably-painful shipping charges.

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11859 posts

Find a Mailboxes, Etc., outlet. They did an excellent job for us when we moved back to the US. Poste Italiane has been less reliable in the two small shipments we’ve tried.

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7415 posts

How much longer are you there?

I don't think it will be cost effective to ship clothing home.
Consider buying a cheap duffle or piece of luggage and just paying for the extra baggage fee when you fly home.