Hi all - we're considering taking one of the shared tours offered by Mondo Guide. The form on their website asks for a credit card number including the CVV code. I'm really relunctant on providing my credit card information on the form and website since it seems it's not a secured website. I tried completing the form without my credit card number, but the form did not go through. I wanted to get people's thoughts about this and what our other options are. Our trip is coming up soon and we would really like to take a couple of the shared tours by Mondo Guide. Thanks in advance for your input!
When I go to their website, their url has the secure https designation.
Same here. On my laptop, Sharedtours.com shows a security padlock in the address bar. Clicking on that abbreviated address reveals its full address: https://www.sharedtours.com.
Secure on my computer. I would use it.
We booked a tour (i.e., provided CC # and CCV code) on their website last March (2017) with no problem. Mondo's Amalfi Coast tour is great and you will never beat that price for a semi-private tour.
Ditto what Robert said. Recommend company and tour.
Thanks, everyone, for your response. I signed up for a tour but on a waiting list now.