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Set taxi fare from Fiumicino to city center still 40 Euro?

I've heard that this has gone up, and if so, by how much?

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1501 posts

I was there early April this year and it was EU50.

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4152 posts

The official fare has not gone up yet but when it does it's supposed to go up to 48 euros. I don't know why the other poster had to pay 50 euros unless she was outside the city walls and on the meter or paying for a private transfer company. Donna

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1170 posts

Still need to know what the current rate is at this moment.

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23652 posts

AT this moment it is 40E. This is a night time rate which is higher, maybe 50, but don't know the time that it starts. As the starter at the taxi line what the rate is.

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4152 posts

It hasn't gone up from the 40 euros fixed rate. Donna

Posted by
2207 posts

Donna and Frank are correct... it's still €40 if you're headed into the Fixed Taxi Rate Zone. Outside of that area, you would be on the meter. The taxi guild has tried for 4+ years to increase this rate and repeatedly it has NOT been approved. The taxi groups have countered with work stoppages, strikes, etc. but as of yet the mayor - who was elected WITH strong support by the taxi groups - and the council have elected not to increase the fare. With the recent ATAC hikes and pressures of the Italian economy, I would not be surprised to see this fee rise... and rise substantially. (Going up to €48 is a 20% increase). But the taxi unions will have to agree to some concessions (like "increased competition"... more taxis available) and they've been reluctant to allow that.

Posted by
290 posts

The fare is still €40 from Fiumicino. There was something in the news recently about a vote having passed on a taxi fare increase; but as far as I could tell it only had to do with metered fares. But we'll see. I was in a cab the other day and the driver said that he thought hte new rates might go into effect in July. You can always get the most up-to-date fares on the City of Rome web site: Take care

Posted by
2207 posts

Yes, in a very unpublicized move, there are now THREE fixed rates from FCO. Your fare will depend on where you are headed (or starting from). The "fixed-rate" fares range in price from 45-55 euro. This article has the latest price listings for taxis in Rome and to the airports.

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1501 posts

I definitely paid EU50 in April. And it was an "authorized taxi." My hotel was across from the Vatican.

Posted by
2207 posts

Donna, I ride the taxis often to the Vatican area as we lived on Via Candia for years - always 40€. We rode into town in late April of this year on a weekend trip to stay at a friends apartment on the same street and again, the rate was 40€ - so not sure what your driver was telling you, but authorized or not, if your hotel was in the fixed-rate zone and you had four people or less, then you were overcharged. Even "on the meter," our Via Candia apartment generally was 39-42€ on a trip from FCO. Of course, all that changes now with the increased rates. We are there next week and now the same ride will be 48€ - Looks like we might be on the SITBus Shuttle to Piazza Cavour...

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23652 posts

According to Ron, looks like the rate was finally increased to 48E.

Posted by
1501 posts

I guess I was ripped off! Did my best to make sure I used the "official taxi" but when the driver said 50, we gave him 50. I've got to learn to do a better job arguing! I'm going back in late September. Will the fares raise before then?

Posted by
290 posts

Incidentally, I have spoken with two different cab drivers in the past couple of weeks about this (the most recent was the day before last) and the rates have still not increased "on the ground". They still have to the taxi meters and signage and everything (the airport taxi rate sign near the Trevi Fountain taxi stand still has the old rate, etc.). It may be another month or so before the new rates are fully rolled out. So don't be surprised if you still only pay €40. JUST REMEMBER: the rates are posted on a big sign at the airport taxi stand. It can't hurt to gesture toward that sign and confirm the rate with the driver before getting into the car, so that he knows that YOU know the law! Otherwise you might get charged €50, €60, or whatever they decide is what they want to get paid that day or what they can get away with!