Interested in towns to visit by bus or train, my husband and I have visited Assisi, Florence, Rome and Venice with a few smaller towns inbetween. Staying in Pordenone with family for three weeks, maybe a three or four day trip....any ideas?
What have you enjoyed doing there in the past? Are you looking for any particular types of experiences?
We like the small towns, those off the beaten path places. We have seen a colisium, rode in a Gondola, stayed in a nunnery in Rome.
There's a small town near Udine, not too far from Pordenone called Venzone that's interesting. It was completely destroyed by an earthquake some years ago but was rebuilt. Closer to this area, some good options might be Bassano del Grappa, Marostica and Soave.
Thank you Vicenza...any Operas in September, where do they make Lemoncello? I lived in Vecenzia as a child, parents in military, is there a bus from Pordenone to Vicenza just for a day trip? Thank you for your ideas, I will check map and do some homework.
Have you considered Verona? It was our favorite place on our most recent trip, last May. Pictures here in case you're interested in what we enjoyed about it. Also, Padova was quite charming.
We spent 3 nights at a winery just outside of Cormons and loved it. Gorgeous scenery and fantastic food. We also spent 3 nights at a charming hotel in Asolo, driving around the area seeing various small towns. Either one is highly recommended.