A group of 6, three couples, are traveling together in Italy. We do not speak Italian and would like to be able to ask our server for separate checks when we’re ordering dinner in a restaurant. Can someone tell us how to say this in Italian?
You could try Google translate, which also gives pronunciation.
Most all Italians speak English. You shouldn't have trouble translating your request.
As mentioned above, if you're dining at restaurants that cater to tourists your server will be able to function in English to some extent. Restaurants in Italy often don't deliver the bill to the table, so you may have to ask for it. The usual way to ask for a bill is Il conto, per favore.
If you'll be paying cash, another way you could handle this situation is to just have one bill and have everyone contribute their own portion.
You may also be paying "Servizio" and "Coperto" so that will make the bill a bit higher. You may find this helpful - http://ciuitaly.com/blog/files/coperto-italian-restaurant-cover-charge.php .
I've found this also works best if you ask before you order, then you'll know if you need to keep track of your prices or not. I also ask "English OK?" to start with. Often servers will move to English anyway as I try to stumble thru ordering in Italian.