i cant get the website to work, but the sena busses from florence leave roughly every hour? does anyone know what time this starts? i am hoping 8am?? also, does anyone know the price? all i can get is old info, i have 7euro.
I have the same question. I am wondering if there is an english schedule. I am wondering if the bus runs a reduced schedule on saturdays.
if you tell me the website i can help :)
megan, You might find the information you're looking for at www.sena.it/Bus-timetables/92-1-en.html . As the online schedules are currently being revised, the search may require a bit more effort. I assume you're inquiring about the Florence to Siena route? The previous schedules show numerous departures starting at about 06:30, and there's information indicating which departures are on weekdays, etc. Note that there are both Corse Rapide and Corse Ordinarie Buses on that route (but not much difference between the "slow" and fast" Buses). The nice thing about travelling by Bus on that route is that you'll be dropped in the centre of town in Piazza Gramsci, rather than at the bottom of the hill where the station is located. Be sure to Validate your ticket prior to boarding the Bus! Happy travels!
Try the www.fsbusitalia.it website for current information, although it's only in Italian. Schedule posted is older but evidently still current. Direct buses depart starting at 6:30 on weekdays, later on Saturdays and much later on Sundays. Fare for Florence to Siena is listed as 7.10 euro effective January 2012.
Try this site and scroll down to the second page. It's in Italian and English. Hope this helps!