Has anyone booked airline tickets through a SeeSicily Approved Travel Agency? We are booked on a Rick Steves Sicily tour but wondering if we can save money by purchasing the airline through one of the travel agents. https://www.visitsicily.info/en/seesicily/?provincia=PA#agenziaprovincia Or is it best to buy them directly from the airline?
It's always best to buy tickets directly from the airline. For many reasons.
There are countless stories posted here (almost daily) from people who bought their flight tickets from some third-party, hoping to save a few bucks. Many ways for that to go wrong.
See this thread for just one recent example: Hazards of booking a tour with flight included
ALWAYS but direct. Travel agencies are relics.
What advantage do you see in going through a travel agency? If you know how to book your own tickets for domestic travel, the process is the same. They would likely charge you a service fee if all you're getting from them are airline tickets. And really there are no secret low fares any more.
I'm curious about this too. The SeeSicily offer claims you can save 50% on flights plus get one night free accommodation for every 3 booked which sounds great but I'm not sure about trying to coordinate plans with an Italian travel agency plus there are so many listed how would you choose which to use. Has anyone actually booked a SeeSicily package?