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Seems there are still issues getting underground tours of the Colosseum

I know this topic has come up several times on this forum, but I wanted to add another data point (and vent my disappointment haha).

I had scheduled a night visit to the Colosseum with Walks of Italy back in July for my visit to Rome this October. The night visit includes the arena floor and underground. I knew about the troubles of tour companies cancelling on people who had bought tours that included the underground, but I held out hope that this one might be different.

Well, just this morning I received an email from Walks stating that "due to a technical issue" (their words) they "were unable to confirm the tickets" (again their words) for me. They automatically moved me to a day tour of the Colosseum with the Forum and Palatine Hill for the day before.

I thought this was kind of messed up since it's on a totally different day and I'm not even going to be in Rome that morning. It doesn't bother me personally since I had already booked the daytime tour on the same day as the night tour (I wanted to see it both and day and night and also figured this would be good insurance in case the night tour with the underground was cancelled), but still I'm thinking of other travelers who may not have that flexibility.

Anyway, just wanted to put that out there in case anyone else is in a similar situation.

If I still wanted to see the Colosseum at night, do I have any other hope at this point?

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16803 posts

James, you didn't state the date of your visit but you might try the Coopculture site for this if you haven't already?


I've pretty much thrown in the towel when it comes to advice about tours/tickets that include the underground. They are THE most difficult tickets in Rome to land, many thousands every day are trying to get hands on 'em, and I honestly don't get the time, effort and $ people go to try and do that. The tours don't spend very much time below, and you can see down into the parts not covered by the re-constructed arena from points above. Tourists stand a better chance of at least getting inside with ANY other ticket/tour available.

I've been to the Colosseum twice, both times before the underground was even open to visitors, and don't feel as if I missed enough for the FOMO anxiety I'm seeing on various travel forums. IMHO, the Palatine and Forum were more interesting, I don't mean to throw a wet rag on our forum friends who are facing/experiencing disappointment but please don't let an underground-less visit spoil your trip! Rome is FULL of fascinating things to explore that won't involve the stress this pile seems to inflict upon so many.

James, so sorry for the cancellation, and I'll cross fingers that you find a suitable substitute!! :O(

Posted by
173 posts

Thanks Kathy! I was planning to go the 7th of October. I agree, I am not going to put so much weight on visiting the underground or at night. Maybe I'll just pass by in the evening to see it lit up. I'll just be happy to go!

Posted by
12315 posts

Funny, I'm planning Rome 20-26 October. I've been before and toured the Colliseum, but the underground wasn't available then. My thinking was might as well see the underground this visit. I didn't realize it would be such a hassle.

Now I'm torn between booking non-refundable tickets well in advance or playing it by ear when I'm there. I'm leaning toward being less stressed missing some sights than booking tours that might never happen.

I had given up hope on getting the evening English tour through the official website, but was able to get tickets this week for next Thursday night during the 7-day ticket release. I noticed tickets were also released for the immediate Friday and Saturday — so just one and two days before the tour. So I suggest checking the official website 7 days before October 7 and then again two days and one day before October 7. Certainly not ideal for people who like to plan ahead!