After thinking about a trip to Spain we changed our mind and decided we had to return to Italy, 3rd trip. We have planned 7 nights in Orvieto to drive up to Assisi, Speleto, Todi, etc., drive up hwy 2 and revisit Pienza. Last time it was easy as we rented and returned our car in Siena through Kemwel consolidator.
What I need to clear up; if we rent in Orvieto, I understood there is no consolidator and hence no party back here if problems arise. We haven't had any problems before but the consolidator was nice confidence to have. Coming from Verona we could stop in Chiusi to rent the car or stop in Florence for the same but returning it in Rome? Our next stop is Trestevere for three nights then home, so need to return before that portion of trip. My preference is to just rent and return in Orvieto, but not sure if its worth the possible issues without Kemwel or the other.
So if you know of any issues I would like to hear them.