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Seeking a travel agency recommendation

I am in the process of researching various Italy vacation packages and none of the ones I have found meet my needs. I am hoping to customize my trip where the majority of my time is spent in Tuscany and the Amalfi Coast yet still want a few days in Rome and Venice. Has anyone worked with an online travel agency that they really liked that was able to customize a vacation package at no additioal charge?

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32325 posts

Jill, the "short answer" to your question is "No". I use a Travel Agency for some vacation planning, but it's not an online agency. I prefer to sit down and speak with the Travel Agent personally, and so far they've done a great job. As you want a "custom vacation package", the best option might be to plan everything yourself, using the HelpLine, other online resources and Guidebooks. Good luck!

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23562 posts

First off, just what are your needs??? I think you are going to have to ask your question on some other sites. The vast majority of posters here will be independent travelers who avoid vacation packages such as you are asking about. Most of us would suggest that it is relatively easy to set up your own package but to think that someone else will do it for you and not charge a fee is unreasonable. They have to make their money somewhere and they will make it off of your hotels, tour packages, etc. But give us some idea of what you REALLY want and perhaps we can help you more directly.

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5 posts

You misunderstood me when I stated no additional charge, I know there will be a cost to put together a vacation package yet I did not want to have to pay a fee on top of it if I wanted to customize, some of the sites claim they do not charge an additional fee yet I want to ensure I am using a reputable site/company. This will be my first time in Italy therefore I could use some assistance with arranging transfers to and from the various cities I will be traveling to and recommending reputable hotels, tours etc. I am gathering information from this discussion helpline to get ideas but will need to put the vacation all together and that is where I thought a travel agency could assist me. I have never used a travel agency before.

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1201 posts

Jill - Italy is one of the easier countries to plan on your own. There are lots of resources online. Almost all the hotesl,even the small mom and pop ones, have some kind of online presence. Transportation is easier than you might think. the train and bus system is extensive and relatively easy to navigate. Trains take you from city center to city center, so you won't be worrying about transfers to the spots you'll likely want to go. Airports are also well connected by either trains or shuttle busses to train stations.

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23562 posts

Again, I ask what would you specifically like to see or do. Are you looking to tour with a group? Or are you looking for someone just to book everything for you and you will travel by yourself? Have you looked at any the Rick Steves tours? They are different from the average tour package and at the same time really hit some interesting places.

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5 posts

I plan to travel with a girlfriend of mine, we are interested in touring a few of the typical tourist attractions in Rome and Venice and am open to touring alone or with a group there yet want to spend the majority of our trip in Tuscany/Chianti for the beautiful country and wineries and the Amalfi coast to marvel over the coastline and tour those two places alone. One place I absolutely want to visit is Ravello as I hear it is one of the most beautiful places in Europe.We also want to take a boat to Capri, even possibly stay tere overnight. We are single women so finding a little nightlife on the trip would be fun too.