Our daughter’s family, 2 adults and two boys ages 5 and 3, are searching for an Agritourismo in the Veneto area as a center for exploring Verona, Mantua and Padua for a week in March. They will travel on an overnight train from Erlangen, Germany where they teach. Over the years they have traveled extensively throughout Italy, yet this will be their introduction to Veneto. Once there, they will either rent a car or utilize drivers to get to the cities and nearby villages.
We have recommended they visit the Castlevecchio Museum in Verona, the Gonzaga Palazzo in Mantua and the Giatto Chapple in Mantua (she is an artist as well as a 1st grade teacher and her husband teaches history and leadership). They met at Gonzaga in Florence, hence the Mantua recommendation.
They are exuberant, hearty adventurers who embrace opportunities to engage in the local heritage and culture.
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