Is there a separate fee for secret itineraries tour in English (in addition to purchasing combo tix or museum pass in advance online)? If you purchase online st marks square museum pass or the combo pass, how do you reserve for the tour? Palazzo ducale website is confusing, but prefer to buy tixs and make reservation on official site as opposed to tour sites. Thanks in advance for clarification.
Yes, the SI tour is a separate charge. There is a reduced price of €14 if you have one of the passes. You can buy the tickets for the tour in advance and buy the pass later. You just need it to pick up the SI tour tickets. As I recall, there was a really long line for tickets for the Doge's Palace, but with the SI reservation, I skipped it and was able to buy the St. Mark's Square Museum Pass on the spot. Yes, use the official website. What was confusing on the website?