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Secret Itineraries Tour at Doges Palace

Is it worthwhile to pay extra for the Secret Itineraries tour? I was planning on getting the Museum Card that includes the Doges Palace. Signing up for the tour would cost extra, but it would be at a definite time, so no need to wait on line. That is an advantage, but is the tour that different from the audio tour from this site that I downloaded to be worth it?

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605 posts

The Secret Itineraries tour allows visitors into areas that are off-limits to anyone who does not buy the special tour ticket. So, yes, it is different from the RS audio tour. Personally, I enjoyed it very much, but that's something you'll need to decide for yourself. If you decide to do it, know that it can get very hot (airless practically) because you'll be on the upper floors of the Palace. You'll want to bring a small bottle of water with you. Have a great trip!

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7209 posts

They will also take you up to the very tip top in the Attic so you'll see the giant wooden beams holding up the Palace roof. You'll also walk out over the suspended roof over the Grand Hall. It's quite interesting the first time you do the tour. Personally I've been on the tour 8 or 9 or 10 times and it gets a little boring after that ;-)

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281 posts

Wow, Tim! How come you've been on the tour so many times? I guess any tour would be less interesting at that point!

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281 posts

Also, is there one company that is recommended? The one from viva seems to charge only €14.50 for holders of Museum passes, which we were going to buy, so that seems reasonable.

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693 posts

Use vivaticket as you are already thinking of doing. It is where the official website directs you to.

All other websites are just resellers of the same tickets but charge more. They do not run different tours as the only secret itinerary tours are run by the Doges Palace staff.

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15799 posts

I took the tour in February and it was freezing cold. I can only imagine how hot it would be in the summer. Get the earliest time slot (when it's least hot), take water and a fan. I thought the tour was fascinating and would do it again, though not in warm weather. You can enter the Palace and start your sightseeing before the tour begins. Just find out where the tour starts (probably somewhere in the courtyard) and be there a couple minutes early.

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281 posts

It will definitely be warm at the end of August. Based on the good things people have said about the tour, I have been leaning towards it. But the timing is making me think again. All the tours are in the morning (which would be good if it is hot in the attic), but the general suggestion about avoiding crowds at the Basilica was to go in the afternoon. The suggested itinerary in the RS books has an arrival time at the Square after 1, with a visit first to the Correr Museum--not getting to the Basilica before 4 or so with the Palace after. That doesn't work well with a morning tour of the Palace, unless I then do something else and come back, which seems not good use of time as I'm right there. And if I do the Square, Basilica, Palace, and Correr in the morning, that leaves me looking for lunch in the area, which I didn't want to do since it's basically touristy stuff. Maybe given heat and timing, the tour may not be the best bet?

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147 posts

My family of four (including two teen girls) did the tour on a VERY hot morning in July and had a great time! After the tour ended, we skipped throughs the RS audio guide of the rest of the palace. Note that the Doges apartment was closed at that time - not sure if it will be open by the end of this month. I was very happy we did the secret itineraries tour as the rest of the palace was very very crowded with large tour groups. The tour was just our small group so we got a better feel for life in the palace. The windows were all open and there was offer a breeze - it was warm in stairwells but never unbearable.