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8328 posts

While this has been in the works for some time, I think running out and getting a second booster takes some thought.

Many who wanted to travel were first in line for the vaccine, then ran into issues with those expiring before boosters were easily available, then further concerns with the booster lapsing until the EU stepped in and clarified that, and now a second booster.

While everyone needs to make their own assessment as to what is the best course, for me, since I had the Booster in December, I will likely hold off on a second booster. With no major variants of high concern at the moment, no international travel plans until September, and countries not yet adjusting their entry requirements to include a second booster....a wait and see position seems prudent at this time.

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393 posts

I had a conversation with my doctor yesterday about getting the 4th shot at 2 weeks before my possible travel departure
date of April 28.
He will check my blood to determine the level of antibodies first and if it shows a low level he will give me the 4th dose.
Seems like an evidence based way to handle it.

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7498 posts

We are over 65, immunocompromised and almost 5 months since booster
We’ll check with our docs and probably get 2 weeks before our trip begins 4/23

Does anyone think having that fourth shot on CDC card will be an issue??
Can’t see why

Posted by
140 posts

We are definitely getting it. My husband is already at the 6 month mark since the 1st booster (he got it the first day it was available) and I will be at 6 months the day after we leave on our trip. He’s over 65, and I’m immune compromised so it makes sense for us to get it.

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170 posts

We are 73 and definitely getting it; the question is when. We travel to Italy in early September for 46 days. Maybe July?

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64 posts

Heading to France mid-April. We received our 1st boosters in November. The current number of cases in France has been a concern, so we got our second boosters today. I see the numbers from the latest variant are starting to come down in the UK, which has been about 1 week ahead of France. Though we expect new cases to begin dropping in France soon, it adds a little peace of mind to know we are fully dosed.

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1074 posts

I read on the “general country” forum that a doctor told someone the 1st booster basically kept us from getting seriously ill, while the 2nd booster will give us more immunity from catching it. Since the U.S. hasn’t lifted their testing before coming home mandate, I’m going to get it this month. It’s been 6. K this since my booster.