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Searching in the little box (up on the right) -- having issues

Hi all -- I've always been able to put a search in the little box up on the right and would be able to find what I was looking for on the helpline. But, now I can't get results for the helpline, just the graffiti wall. Any help?

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10344 posts

Don't waste time with the Helpline search box in the upper right of this page, it's inefficient, even when you get something it's only a fraction of what is in the Helpline archives. Instead, use the search method explained here How to Search the Helpline Archives to effectively search the Helpline for previous posts--just read the original post in the topic thread.

Posted by
24 posts

Thanks Kent -- I must have missed that first post. Here is one vote for making the original searching post a sticky post. Again, many thanks!

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7737 posts

That very helpful info should be added to the "Please read this before you post" posting.

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10344 posts

Susan & Michael: Good idea, it's been suggested before. Only Rick Steves employees are authorized to add to the sticky post. You can send your suggestions to the Webmaster by clicking here.It may not happen at this time. Until it does, I'll keep bumping it (to the top) or providing the link, when there's a need for it.

Posted by
7737 posts

Done. Thanks for all your work on this site, Kent. The RS people should pay you. :)