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Scavi Tour question

We have tickets for 11:30 am this coming March. We also have tickets for first entry to the Sistine Chapel, so we plan on doing a whirlwind tour of the Vatican Museum after the Sistine and then head to the Scavi office.

My question is this - I have a small backpack that I am taking and would put my camera in there for the duration of the Scavi Tour. I understand that bags are generally not allowed but wondered how strict they are, especially considering its mid March? Otherwise I am trying to figure out what we are to do with our bags...….


Posted by
406 posts

scavi means excavation
putting just that word in a description w/o saying why/where means people have to click-in in order to find out your topic

Posted by
10344 posts

Actually, it's pretty well known on this forum that the word scavi refers to the Vatican tour of that name, the tour that goes under St. Peters.

Posted by
238 posts

What Kent said - “Scavi” used in this forum tends to mean the tour under St Peters’s

And thanks joe32 - but I guess I’m confused about the “large bag backpack” part - does it mean all backpacks or up to a certain size? Just not sure

Posted by
10344 posts

OP: you may find an answer by entering "Scavi" into the Search window at the top of this screen, it will probably find answers to your question going back a few years on this site.

Posted by
1662 posts

Hi Herf,

This is what I found from their website:

Depositing prohibited items:

The following objects are absolutely prohibited during the visit:
luggage / large bags
backpacks /cameras

These [and similar] objects must be deposited before reaching the Office.

A DEPOSIT area free of charge for these objects is available to the right of the façade of the Basilica at ground floor level of the Basilica's premises passed the security check areas. We are glad to provide this service and the objects deposited are supervised by our staff. Because you are entering a very sacred site you must be dressed respectfully, which means shoulders must be covered, long pants for men, and nothing above the knee for women.

Anyone who does not observe these regulations will not be allowed to participate in the visit.


Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The last visit always begins at 3:30 p.m. (4:15p.m. from April through September).

Closed: Sundays and Vatican Holydays

Also found this on another site:

Normal sized backpacks and purses will go through security screening, but are allowed – usually.

You should bring your Passport in case they check ID. It’s never happened for me, but it’s better to be safe.

Please note: The above I copied and pasted from two sites. I have not taken the tour and cannot offer a real experience.

Posted by
1662 posts

Herf, another thought. As I read the description of the 'security area' - I believe I passed that on the way to the restroom when I was at the Basilica.

I did see a guard there. If I recall, the storage area looked like cubbie boxes.

I don't know how comfortable you would be leaving your camera. Since no cameras are allowed, they may not allow you to keep it in your small backpack even if turned off.

Posted by
1 posts

We went just this past September, and for what it's worth they allowed me to carry a small backpack (12.99"L x 5.90"W x 13.28"H) during the Scavi Tour. The backpack did have a handle so I could carry it like a purse, so I'm not sure if that helped. I just kept my camera in there and it wasn't a problem. There are a couple of tight spaces but I didn't have much of a problem carrying it.

Posted by
238 posts

Thanks Girasol - I sorta found the same info but looking on some forums, I get some conflicting info so wanted to see if anyone had any more recent info

Emily - my backpack is a little bit bigger but still small, at least on me. Its 16x11x5.

I'm thinking about checking my backpack and keeping my small DSLR with me in its neoprene case - I have seen where they have allowed that to go thru. Once we emerge in St Peter's, we can tour it and pick up my bag on the way out.

Posted by
1662 posts

Hi Herf,

Sounds good. As I mentioned previously, I have no experience with the Scavi Tour, but, "reasonable-sized" backpacks and purses were allowed into St. Peter's Basilica. At the entrance, they have bins to put in your bag/coat or whatever, and it moves along to be scanned.

Hopefully, as you plan to check the backpack, the guards will let you keep your camera/camera bag on you visiting the Scavi. Or, maybe your backpack would be within size limits and the guard will let you in.

Good luck.

Posted by
19 posts

We will be doing this tour in May so I found this string helpful. My iPhone is my camera so I hope I won’t have any problem with keeping it on me as long as I don’t take photos.

Posted by
1662 posts

HI b,

As long as you respect the restrictions (photo taking or talking) within The Vatican and St. Peter's, you should be fine. Keep your phone/cam tucked away when told no photos by the guards.

I'm not implying you would do this, but, as a true example: I was at St. Peter's in The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament visiting for a long while. They strictly prohibit photos (and talking); a large sign is there at entrance. A guard is also there at entrance stating/reminding the same to visitors. A couple of people decided they would risk it anyway. There are some who always want to test the regulations.

A guard does come in to check randomly. Two people were caught. I know this because I was sitting in a pew. The guard came in, saw the people taking pictures with their phones, tapped them on the shoulder and out they went. I got curious and stepped out to see what happened 0_0 They were escorted out of the Chapel and "shown the doors." They don't mess around.

Posted by
19 posts

Yes, there are always folks who try to skate around the posted rules. I am not interested in forfeiting the price of the tour just for a photo!