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Public transportation around Agrigento Sicily

I will be in Sicily in September. I am traveling to Agrigento, arriving in the afternoon. I would like to go Scala dei Turchi the Turkish Steps to see the sunset. It looks like it is about a half hour away from my hotel. Is there public bus service available in that area to Realmonte where the Turkish Steps are located?

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15900 posts

You can take a LUMIA bus from Piazza Fratelli Rosselli to Realmonte.
From Realmonte I heard there was a guy that provides a shuttle service from the bus stop to the Scala dei Turchi for a few euro.
The problem might be getting back to Agrigento in the evening, since you plan to stay till sunset. I don’t think the LUMIA bus would have runs that late.

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7058 posts

Distance wise, it’s only about 6 miles from Agrigento, but is off of a small road and does take about 30 minutes to reach. Very much worth visiting. We viewed the rock formations from an overlook and didn’t actually walk all the way down to stand on the ledge. We had a rental car.