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Saw My First True Roman Scam!

Just back from 9 nights in Rome. One day, I was walking down Via degli Annibaldi towards the Colosseum. Just before the end of the street, I glanced to my right and saw it there, right in the open, where everyone passing could see...the word "Scam" graffiti-ed on a wall.

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3124 posts

Well, you got me with this one. LOL.

Here's my "scam" story. I was walking alone with my wheeled suitcase, wearing a backpack, when a you man said "Scusi" and pointed to the back of my jacket. I looked, and saw that some icky substance resembling melted ice cream was smeared on me. He offered me a tissue; I refused it and hurried on my way. Luckily I was heading for a friend's apartment, and upon arrival the two of us took my jacket to her favorite dry cleaner. The scam was that I, a tourist target, was expected to stop, turn around, remove my backpack and make it easy for Mr. Tissue or his accomplice to make off with my bags in the confusion.

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8285 posts

Sounds like graffiti poking fun at the tourist who ask "is it safe to go to Europe".