Are there Saturday vigil(late afternoon or early evening) Masses in Venice and Rome?
In Rome the Pantheon has a Saturday mass. I think it’s at 5 or 6.
Contrary to some people’s perception the Pantheon is an active Catholic Church with regular mass. Visitors can’t go in during mass to look around (you have to say you’re going to the mass and sit in the pews, but anyone can do this). Its a great time to sit and enjoy this building without the crowds and after mass you can of course walk around the interior before too many tourists are let back in
Yes. Google "orari messe" and the name of the church and the city. You will find a few churches in Venice with Saturday vigil masses. Here is a useful link showing vigil mass at St Mark's basilica at 6.45 pm :
I'm glad someone asked about this. I tend to forget about Saturday vigil Masses, but on tours it can be difficult, or even impossible, to make it to Sunday Mass. Having the vigil Mass available doubles the chances of getting to church.
Both the Pantheon and St. Peters' have 5 pm masses on Saturday.