Hi. I have work commitments in Berlin in February and have two weeks after to holiday. I’m thinking of going to Sardinia for a week, are most restaurants etc still open at this time? Also is Rome the best airport to get to and then fly to Sardinia. Thanks L
Not sure I’d go to a place that is primarily a beach destination in February, but to each his own.
February in Italy is freezing cold (or just about). The opposite of Australia.
Nearly all beach resorts and beach concessions will be closed, so those restaurants may not be open. But Sardinians like to eat too, so many restaurants in town will be open.
I don’t know what you mean by “etc”.
Rome Fiumicino (FCO) is the airport you want. Although you can fly to Sardinia from other places too.
Sardinia has 3 international airports:
The former, the largest, in the south, the others in the north. Many flights to Sardinia are seasonal (summer months only), therefore in February choices are few.
Thanks for your reply. Sardinia in February is not as cold as a lot of others places in Italy as far as I have found looking at forecasts. I travel in February for my business every year from Australia and am always looking for somewhere different to visit. Yes I am aware that is colder than Australia! Ha! I have looked at many flights to Rome from Berlin too many stops and expensive. Since this post have found it cheaper and quicker to fly to Berlin London and London Sardinia. I live on the beach in Sydney and probably like Sydney there are many other places in Sardinia to see besides sitting on a beach. Thanks again for your reply.
Stick to the bigger towns in winter. For example Alghero is pretty and a good choice.
The largest city is the capital Cagliari, in the south. I don’t know the place since I generally stick with the northern side.
"I live on the beach in Sydney and probably like Sydney there are many other places in Sardinia to see besides sitting on a beach. "
Just remember that Sydney is a city with millions of people; the cities in Sardinia are a small fraction of Sydney's size. Do be sure that there is something to interest you there before going. I haven't been, so I can't comment directly, but I can say that a beach town out of season can be very depressing, if it really is just a place people come for the beach.
I think Sardinia in February may be a lot colder than you are expecting.
I was in Sardinia for 18 days in September. While driving through some areas I was surprised to see signs posted to warn drivers that the roads were slippery when they were covered with snow...I asked a local about this. He said they get snow every winter. Not a lot, but enough to cover the ground. I learned there was also a ski area in the mountains nearby. One night driving back from a hike in the mountains, there was an intense storm - it was raining really hard. For a while, I thought the precip was actually mixed rain (very heavy rain) with some snow or sleet mixed in. This was in the third week of September.
If you do decide to go, I would head for the southern end of the island. Cagliari is the large city in the south (and an interesting place). At our B&B, there was an old photo (probably from around 1900) showing men standing around Cagliari with snow covering the ground. The people in the photo looked bemused, but still...I'd bring warm clothes (and I would not expect it to be "warm" by anyone's standards - unless you're from the polar regions).
Good luck!