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We want to go to Sardinia by ferry from Rome for about a week in May after we've seen the Rome sights. Interested in any information on where you went or what you saw. Thanks

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23562 posts

No experience with Sardinia. BUT, this month's issue (Sept-just came yesterday) of Frommer's Budget Travel has a major article on Sardinia.

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842 posts

Loved Sardinia...just got back from a week there in early June, and thought it was the perfect time to be there. We wished we had more time. There is hardly any traffic so driving there was breeze. The people are super friendly, food was cheap and wonderful, and the scenery/beaches are fantastic. We were warned that our GPS would be worthless, and that was correct, but our Michelin map worked well. We spent a week there after we spent a week in Tuscany/Umbria. We found it cheaper to take our rental car over on the overnight ferry (from Livorno, near Pisa) than pick up another in Sardinia. We stayed in a fantastic self-contained apt at an Agri in N. Sardinia, and used it as a base to explore the No and NEast coast. The beaches were just beautiful. We only had one night in Alghero, and wish we had more. We spent the remainder of our time at a B&B next to the water near Cagliari, and enjoyed day triping from there. There were some great beaches for swimming; the Boss wants to go back! We wish we had more time to explore the Western and Southwest coast, but we only had limited time. We are thinking about doing a two week trip, spending one week in Sardinia again, and one week in Corsica, which is just few short miles away. The Lonely Planet guide book did a pretty good job covering the island.

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2 posts

Thanks for the information. Where did you stay? What did you go see? Which Lonely planet guide was helpful? I appreciate your help