My husband and I are going to be in Venice the 1st week of Oct and we would love to go to the Muesum at Santa Maria della pieta. A previous poster said it was open on mon/wed from 11-4. The website said you needed to contact to visit and had sent them several emails with no response. Do I need to contact them for are the generally open mon/wed form 11-4?
I would trust the website which does indeed say that it's reservation only, at a cost of 3E each. Are you using this email address? [email protected] I assume you're talking about the Vivaldi museum, right? It could be that you're still a little early to make an October reservation. You could also call them once you arrive, at 0415222171 or 5237395. But they might not speak English.
Yes that is the email I was using. Calling them once we get to Italy is a good idea. Thanks.