I normally wear sandals a good part of the year here in Seattle, as my feet tend to get hot and perspire a lot. (My doctor recommended wearing them whenever possible, as I was getting really bad chronic athlete's foot, with my skin peeling over in sheets or layers all the time). I wear Chaco's, which offer decent sole shock absorption, important on asphalt or cement, but they are heavy, and one can trip on them as well. They're also open-toe.
My question is whether one would actually wear them a lot on a RS Best of Italy tour, especially in April. I don't mind the rain at all, as it simply drains out, unlike closed shoes which won't. And walking around in 50 degree weather doesn't bother me, especially with all the walking involved (and one can always go inside as well).
So I would love to bring them along and wear them, and RS actually does suggest bringing a backup pair of walking sandals in his preplanning booklet.
But I want to bring along 2 pairs of shoes+sandals maximum.
Any ideas or experience related therein?