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San Lorenzo Market

I've heard that going to this market is a "must". Has anyone been there and what are your thoughts on including this while in Florence?

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5 posts

WE just got back from Florence and stayed at the Aldobrandini hotel (from Rick's book) which is located next to the San Lorenzo market, so we stroll through it a few times. It has wide variety of souvenirs and leather goods but it is mostly a 'touristy' place, quality is medium to low and vendors mostly non-italian. Basically you can find all this while visiting other city attractions. I'd say if you are ij the neiborhood(close to the Duomo)-it is curious to visit, but I'd not allocate special time for this in Florence.

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166 posts

I really liked the San Lorenzo market - but then again, I REALLY like to shop. I got some of my best gifts here, 3 silk ties for like 12 euro, scarves for dead cheap (but make sure to check the tags to ensure where things are made/silk), etc.

What strikes me after reading your post that I want to point out is that this market is VERY central to the tourist sites (Duomo, even close to train station), and it's not so much a thing that you "do", or plan for - as opposed to something you can experience for 10 minutes as you're walking to something else or and hour or more if you're they're to buy stuff! My hotel was really close to the market, and I walked through it a few times a day. I hope that adds to your perspective, have a great trip!

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61 posts

I agree, I am a fan of the San Lorenzo market (and the Mercato Nuovo) and you will easily stumble upon it when you are walking around town. It is a good place for gifts and small things to take back home. You will find a lot of of the same things around town and Tuscany, but I think that a lot of them are the cheapest in Florence.