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Sailing in Italy

Has anyone been sailing in italy? I am looking for some companies that would take us from cinque terre to the amalfi coast?

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689 posts

I can't help - but this sure sounds awesome! I'll be watching this thread for the ideas shared!!!

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204 posts

Cannot answer about Italy but we were looking into sailing down the Dalmation Coast(off of Croatia) Googling "Sailing Dalmation Coast" There are tons of boats for hire with and without crews. They mostly leave from Split and I beleve there are ferries from Venice and Rimini that go to Split. I know this does not answer your question but you could do the same for Italy - Google
We decided not to do this but go to Paris & Switzerland instead. Hope you are successful in finding something.

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361 posts

Alexis, I can't help you with your exact itinerary in Italy, but if you go to the Moorings website,, they have sailing farther south out of Tropea. I have used this company in the Caribbean and they are very good. Good luck with your research. Sherry