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Safety in Rome

We have been researching places to stay in Rome and wanted to find out if anyone could let us know which areas of Rome we should stay out of. In addition, what types of crimes happen in Rome? I'm not sure if the typical crime is pickpocketting or if it can be much worse than that. Thanks!

Posted by
1825 posts

Any of the areas in the historic center of Rome will be safe. Most often crime in Rome, as in all large tourist centers, is of the pickpocket variety. Just wear your money belt, be aware of your surroundings and you will be fine. I have walked around Rome at 9pm at night alone and felt perfectly safe.

Posted by
223 posts

The only place I have ever felt uncomfortable in Rome is inside the train station... It seems to attract some "colorful" people. I have never felt threatened by them but have been approached while buying tickets etc by some "helpful" people when I wanted to help.

Seriously, I think your biggest risk in Rome is crossing the street.

Posted by
4152 posts

Rome is perfectly safe. The worst crimes are the pickpockets. Violent crime is all but unheard of. Take normal precautions and you'll be fine. The pickpockets are opportunists so don't make yourself an easy target. Wear a money belt, don't carry large wads of cash and keep you hand on your valuables when in large crowds.

I would avoid the termini area in the wee hours of the morning.


Posted by
1170 posts

The areas immediately surrounding the Termini Station are a little dicey. Mostly you will have to worry about petty crime (pickpockets, purse snatchers, scam artists...) Violent crime is not as big a problem in Italy as the U.S., unless you are Mafia...

Posted by
3551 posts

In addition to Termini area I suggest you be aware at all times, where tourists gather and the metro notorious for pickpockets. Taxi drivers are also dishonest, return wrong chg or over charging! For me it leaves a bad feeling just for an attempt of pickpocketting. Extra caution is wise espec in Rome.

Posted by
1170 posts

Oh Yes, let's not forget those incredibly dishonest taxi drivers! ALWAYS grab a taxi from the taxi stand and not just off the street. I had such a problem with that my last trip, and I know better. Had a quick-change artist driver that scammed me and two others who took me the "long" way to my destination to run up the meter and I knew where I was going.

Posted by
13 posts

Thanks everyone! These comments are very helpful. We want to make sure we are as prepared as possible for our first trip to Rome.

Posted by
1234 posts

As Mike said, just beware of the people that come up to "help" you buy a train ticket from the automatic machines. They assume we are to stupid to follow the directions (much like ATM directions) and do it ourself. Then they want money for "helping" you. Just tell them no thanks and they go away.

There was also a much heavier police presence this time when I went in all of the major train stations.
I have never felt unsafe, but, I am from South Florida where crime runs rampant!!