My daughter and her friend are studying abroad. She is in France and her friend is in Germany. They want to spend a week long break together in Rome and Florence in late February. Do you have any recommendations for tours in and from Rome with university students in mind? Also where might a couple of college girls safely stay where they would not need to take public transportation at night?
All of central Rome is safe including public transportation. They can stay in the city center but it might cost them more than staying near the termini or Vatican areas. Both of those areas are fine though just not as charming as the city center. Violent crime is very rare in Rome so they don't need to worry about that. They will need to consider that there are many pick pockets in Rome so they should take precautions for that. Donna
Marilyn, I'm not sure if they'll be operating in February, but you might have a look at This tour firm, as it's aimed at students and the cost seems reasonable. Where to stay will probably depend to some extent on their budget. Would they be more inclined to stay in Hostels, or would a budget Hotel be preferred? Some Hostels have double rooms (two beds), but they're often about the same cost as a budget Hotel. I'd suggest checking the Guidebooks for both cities to get some idea on what's available and the costs. I normally stay in the Termini area in Rome, as it's so convenient for transportation. Public transportation in the evening is generally safe, especially if they're travelling together. The greatest risk will likely be pickpockets, so be sure they wear Money Belts. Cheers!
I doubt there are such tours in February and I doubt they would want to take them. They should explore on their own and do what interests them. Most college kids will stay in hostels, which is a great way to meet other young people. There will be lots of other college aged kids traveling then too as many study abroad programs have February travel breaks. As noted, there is very little violent crime in Europe and the places they will be going and staying are not the places where it does occur. Public transportation is extremely safe in Europe, even at night. As long as they stick together, they will be just fine.
Marilyn, Rick Steves has a son named Andy Steves, who has his own web site, etc. that has European long weekend trips specifically designed for college students. When I just glanced quickly, most of his tours seem to be in spring vs. winter. If your daughters have some flexibility push their long weekend together into the spring of his tours might be super fun. Being able to travel with other young college students, knowing it is a reliable Steves family package, would not only be comforting........but probably much more appropriate than spending a weekend with 50 seniors on a bus...LOL. If their weekend date it set in stone, perhaps Andy could at least recommend some good local guides for your daughters to tap into. Here's his web site: And, once your daughter and her friend take a look at all his weekend offerings, no doubt they will be interested in additional weekend trips either together or individually. When my nephew studied abroad, he and his friends traveled to many other countries on the weekends, using Kayak to choose destinations based on best airline prices or train deal. Andy's company was not in place at that time, or I'm sure he would have taken these tours. While Rick has cross promoted his son's business a bit, I'm surprised it is not mentioned on Helpline when questions about college student travel come up. But, I guess most of us replying are a bit older or don't have college age kids. If she travels with them, let us know how she likes it. Andy was trained by a master, along with some solid business school education :) Who could possibly be better? And, the site has some great Q&As for parents, too. Rick has to be so proud, and what a wonderful way to tap into the next generation of travelers.