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Safe area in Venice


I found a neat hotel (Hotel Guerrini)in Venice along the Grand Canal and only a few hundred meters from the train station. Anyone been here or know if the area is safe for a woman traveling alone? I'm only staying 2 nights before connecting with RSteves tour in Padova.

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7737 posts

Venice is one of the safest cities in Europe, so you should be fine. There's virtually no violent crime and only some pickpocketing. (Because of the layout of Venice, there's no quick get-away for criminals. They can't hop into a car and tear out of there.)

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3313 posts

Don't worry about it. In fact the area may feel safer later at night because there is a lot of activity, many stores stay open and it is well lit.

Posted by
466 posts

Venice is very safe and the area near the train station in nice. Don't worry about walking the back streets late at night, it is very safe!!! Have fun and just watch out for pickpockets! That should be your only concern in Venice!!

Posted by
586 posts

ANYWHERE in Venice is safe, but my wife and I were just there for two nights, and I recommend getting AWAY from the train station! It's an easy vaporetto ride to the station when you leave, and easy vaporetto ride to Piazza San Marco when you arrive (6 euros each way), I don't see why you wouldn't want to stay closer to the heart of Venice, and away from the coming and going of the station. Just a suggestion. We stayed at Locanda al Leon in St. Mark's, was 110 euros per night, but AWESOME in terms of location and service and kindness. Have fun!

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3260 posts

Speaking as a female who has traveled solo from time to time, I agree with the guys that Venice is safe.

On our last visit my husband and I stayed near the train station but across the canal at the Albergo Marin. When you're by yourself and only there for two nights I can see an advantage of staying near the station. Another plus is that you're right by a vaporetto stop so you can be at St. Mark's Square in 25-45 minutes. Have a great trip!

Posted by
166 posts


I am a 25 year old female who stayed in a hotel right near the train station in Venice alone just this last September.

I whole heartedly agree with the other posters that Venice is a safe city. I enjoyed staying near the train station because I didn't have to haul my luggage onto a crowded vap! Rather, I just walked for 3 minutes down a main street to my hotel! Also, you can walk to the Rialto bridge from that area in just 10-15 minutes.

At night, the area around the train station is chock full of people, which adds to a feeling of security. Even stores are open late (until 10 or 11 pm if I remember correctly). Good luck and have fun, I'm jealous! Venice is magical.


Posted by
160 posts


We stayed near the train station and it was perfectly safe. We even walked around later (11pm) at night and felt no fear. Have a great time

Posted by
151 posts

Venice is a very safe place to be. The biggest danger we encountered and one I did not hear much about before was the bug bites. Perhaps we are just very tasty but the both times we went (it was summer) we were eaten alive by some kind of crazy mosquito. I never saw one but we woke up every day with new bites. On the first trip my lower leg was bitten and it turned into a sizeable blister (scary).

This last summer, my daughter was so bug-bitten that pictures from our trip look like the chicken pox struck. I recommend repellant and anti-itch creme for the trip. Of course we still had a wonderful time and plan to go back as soon as possible:)