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Running or biking park/places around Florence

We are taking our granddaughters to some Italian cities this summer and then Paris. While this is primarily a food related trip, one granddaughter is on her school’s cross country and mountain biking teams. If she wants some running time while we are staying in the middle of Florence, do you have any recommendations where you’ve run or seen people running before? The heat will be a factor so she’ll run early in the mornings. Distance and elevations do not phase her. She is from the east Bay Area so is used to running/biking in an urban to hilly area. She won’t have a running partner so a safe area would be good.

For biking possibilities I thought we’d go to a bike rental place to see if they have any organized rides. Booking a trip for her to slowly pedal around visiting wineries in the surrounding hills isn’t what we’re looking for so I hope some bike shops with clubs will have something she can participate in if she’s interested.

She’s a great and easy going traveler and Italy will be a new country for her so if it doesn’t happen, she’ll be happy to just be there.

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16310 posts

Very little green spaces to run in the historical,center of Florence.
She can run along the river going east, on the northern bank, and once past the Ponte San Niccolò, east of that bridge, there will be public gardens along the river. Lots of people jog there. Still on the eastern side of the city center, along the river, but on the southern bank, there is a large park between the Varlungo bridge and the Giovanni da Verrazzano bridge. So a nice run would be going east along the river running on the northern bank up to the Giovanni da Verrazzano bridge. Then cross the bridge to the southern bank, and run along the Anconella Park all the way to the Varlungo bridge or even to Nave a Rovezzano (the park ends there). Then come back downtown via the reverse path (it’s almost 10km round trip). That was my run since I lived in front to the Anconella park. Once I even saw Madonna and her entourage jogging there (she was in Florence for a concert).
Another option is to run west of the city center along the river on the northern bank. Eventually she’ll hit the Cascine Park, a very popular large park (similar to a Golden Gate Park in San Francisco). She can run plenty there.
If she wants some hills, the easiest option is to run east along the river up to the San Niccolò bridge. Cross the bridge into Piazza Ferrucci, then go up the Viale Michelangelo to Piazzale Michelangelo then down the other side to Porta Romana, and come back through Porta Romana to Ponte Vecchio.
Biking can be done along the same paths, which are, at least in part, car free on bike/running lanes. Biking outside of the city has the issue that not too many roads (if any) have bike paths, therefore one would be biking on rather narrow highways sharing the road with cars traveling just inches from you and your bike. Not the ideal in safety, IMO.

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I am a marathoner and have spent a lot of time in Florence. Easy run along the river is nice. Also the Cascine park is good to run ... can run to it and through it. My favorite is running from the city center thru Porta Romana then to Viale Machiavelli and just winding around. Early morning is great.... no one is out except the street cleaners. The sun rises early in the summer and she should have no trouble with safety.

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34480 posts

Doesn't the pollution bother you, Linda?

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4147 posts

Nigel maybe the ZLT zone has helped cut down on pollution?

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1785 posts

The Cascine park is best avoided by night, and by day it has become a drug distribution hub. While it is not dangerous in the traditional sense - you are more likely to die under a falling tree branch than stabbed by a criminal, sticking to the main alley along the river and more frequented areas (lot of joggers) is recommended. On Tuesday morning it becomes a big market.

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8539 posts

My wife and I cycle at home. We are used to biking 30 miles every other day. We did a nice bike tour of Florence that was about half the distance we are used to biking. We stopped at several places for the guide to orient us to the city. I recommend such a tour.

Parking is not good in Florence. We didn't have a car last time we visited and our hotel was downtown on the Arno. There was a little parking in front of our hotel, but it always seemed full.

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4147 posts

Thanks for all of the tips and specific suggestions. We’ll map some routes out so she’ll have options. We are so excited about this opportunity to take the girls to Italy for their first time.