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Running in Florence & Rome

I am happily heading to Italy right in the middle of training for a marathon. To stay on program, while in Florence, I need to do a long 11-mile run, and while in Rome I need to do a long 15-mile run. (I also need to do some shorter runs, but I figure those will be easier to figure out.) Does anyone have any good running routes you tried while visiting Florence & Rome? Thanks!

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390 posts

I like using when I travel. Just enter the city and country you'll be visiting in the "Find a Run" section and it will pull up dozens of runs that other people have submitted, along with distance and maps. You can also enter it in "Map my Run" and measure out your own route.

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6898 posts

Wow, what a wonderful website. I don't run anymore but a I mapped out a few. What a great way to plan.

As for Florence, you might try a run up to Fiesole. It's about 7 miles away and mostly up. Roads are not that wide most everywhere so you will want to use caution.

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3112 posts

In central Rome, the large Villa Borghese park would be a nice place for shorter runs. You could do the longer run there too if you don't mind circling it 4 or 5 times. The park is virtually traffic free. In Florence, consider the hills above the Oltrano. I took a bicycle tour a few years ago. It was beautiful and the roads weren't too terribly busy.

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7737 posts

For an historical run in Rome, you could always do the Circo Massimo and pretend that you're being cheered on by thousands of ancient Romans. (Is that Ben Hur passing you in his chariot?) :-)

I do remember seeing runners doing those laps when I was there last.

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2 posts

Thanks for the ideas. I have a hard time following the routes on mapmyrun. I think I"m GPS challenged!

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1127 posts

I would follow Michael's advice and run at Circo Massimo. It's easier to just avoid the cars and run without any distractions.