I was thinking of renting a vespa for the Puglia region. Couldn't find the rules/ License requirement. It would be great if anyone can help
Number one1 rule: have twice as much travel and medical insurance as you think you'll need.
Have you driven in Italy before? Have you driven a vespa (anywhere ) before? If the answers to both are no, then I wouldn't recommend it.
I have driven scooter in India before but no driving experience in Italy. I am looking at driving the inland roads in Puglia. Do you think thats also complicated in Italy?
Unless you feel very secure driving a scooter, don't. To find out requirements you might want to Google scooter rental companies in the area in which you intend to rent and then check their sites or contact them. Here's a link to get you started. Vroom! Vroom!
Also can i use my Canadian driving license to rent it? I will have IDP.
Be sure you have good travel medical insurance. :O)
I think your driver’s license should be good for a 125cc.
I did get a good travel insurance. Hope it all works out.
Thank you everyone for helping me :)
I have driven scooter in India before but no driving experience in Italy.
..say no more. I'm pretty sure you'll be fine riding a scooter in Italy if you've survived in India ;-)
lol.. ok :) Up for an adventure i guess!!
For sure you won’t be running over an elephant with your Vespa in Italy.
I did get a good travel insurance.
The only problem might be that travel insurance doesn't normally cover medical issues nor repatriation. It is worth checking.