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Rubbish in Venice, a story of sorts.

As you exit the Ai Archivo bar in Santa Croce, you will see over the canal, beside the Frari, the door to the State Archives. There are some 75,000 linear metres of shelf space, that’s about 48 miles, full of archive boxes. The First Rule of running an archive is to never discard anything, so there are documents from about 1200.

And if you turn right after leaving the Ai Archivo, cross one bridge and you’ll see some rubbish bins. Big deal, you might think, a magnet for rats and seagulls. But those bins are where the Archive dumps its rubbish, should they choose to discard anything, contravening the above First Rule.

A couple of years ago, there must have been a housekeeping blitz in the Archive, rubbish piled up around the bins. Toner cartridges, CRT screens, cardboard boxes, paper, whatever. And a wooden archive box.

We instantly grabbed it.

It is a little smaller than A3, would hold a pile of paper three inches thick, has a hinged wooden lid, and is labelled “Busto No 4, Console Russo, Lettere, 1781. On another defaced label, the numbers 1386 – 1394 can be made out. I think it is probably 250 years old, maybe older, and the marking out for the for the dovetailed joints is still visible. We call it the Venice Box, and keep our maps, passports, left over euros and Venezia Unica cards in it.

It is worth keeping an eye on those rubbish bins. You might just get lucky.

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1825 posts

From small beginnings, an endless Italian conspiracy theory cometh.

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34595 posts

makes it all worth it, doesn't it?

too bad the original papers weren't in it, eh?

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16378 posts

Since that busta (envelope) no. 4 seems to contain letters from the Russian Consul in the year 1781, you could take a look and see if the Russians tried to interfere with the 1779 election of the Doge, Mr. Paolo Renier. He was elected with 97% of the vote of the Major Council, and there are rumors that some Russian operatives working for the Czar might have influenced the vote by hacking into some politicians’ mail which was saved in a “private” container, against the Serenissima’s protocols. Interestingly in 1782 the Doge received the visit of P. Petrovic, the heir to the Russian throne, and of his wife Sofia, who traveled to Venice in incognito (the Major Council had already appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the matter). Doge Paolo Renier, was also involved in a “tabloid” scandal, having married a second wife of modest origins (a tightrope walker), whom he met in Eastern Europe, who was much younger than he was.