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RS Rome in 7 days tour 2019 starting Oct. 24

  1. Anyone that has traveled on this tour in late October please comment on the weather.
  2. Are there times on this tour when a person should "dress up"?
  3. Not a tour specific question, but should we bring our medicine in their original bottles or can a person use a daily pill container. My wife and I are in our mid-sixties. I was in Rome in 1971 but my wife has never been there so we hope RS is the way to go! Thank you in advance for any feedback.
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6288 posts

We are going on the RS Rome tour starting October 27. I don't think there is one starting October 24. There is a November 24 tour. I haven't been on a RS tour, but I was told casual dress, no specific dress up occasions. We are bringing layers and planning on about 60s Fahrenheit.

I have traveled a fair amount in Europe, now, but never on a tour. What I've done for meds is to have my pharmacist print the labels. I attach them to small ziplocks and put the pills in the bags. I usually add another 5 or so. I used to do separate bags per med, but now I combine the ones taken all at the same time (since none of them look similar so it's not hard to pick out what I need) I just then put multiple labels on the bags. There have been lots of threads regarding this issue if you want to do a search to find out what others do.

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12 posts

Sorry. You are correct on the date. I was thinking about day day we are leaving. Thank you

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12 posts

Also, thank you for the advice on medications. I did do a search and there are many comments.

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14605 posts

While I've not been on this particular tour I've been to Rome on a couple of RS tours plus done a number of his tours elsewhere. The tours are very casual, no dress up needed at all. What you've had on touring during the day will be fine for dinner and in fact there may be times when you don't have time to return to the hotel before a group dinner so it will be included in your "tour day".

This may be TMI but I have horrible feet so I wear comfortable athletic shoes for all my tours. For myself, it's imperative that I keep my feet in good shape so I can enjoy my tour. I don't want to miss a minute, lol! I wear these same athletic shoes to all meals and events.

Weather-wise, I learned on my first RS tour to always have a waterproof jacket with a hood. Not knowing how heat-tolerant you are (for an OK person, I'd say heat tolerant. for an OR coast type person, I'd say not, hahaha!), you may need more summery kinds of clothing. If I were going to Rome that time of year I would be making the decision at the last minute. I'd have both capris and long pants in line to pack and make my choices based on weather projections the day before I traveled. I do NOT tolerate heat so I want to have capris on when many have on puffy vests. Last time I was in Rome it was hot and I wore capris altho most local women my age don't wear that length.

I find RS tours a wonderful way to learn about an area. The guide will give you lessons on how to ride public transport and how to navigate the city. Expect a very fun time! One of the times I was in Rome on a tour (21 day Best of Europe) we walked between 10 and 12 miles with the guide. If you are not doing a lot of walking now, I'd ramp up when the weather allows! The more you I can walk before a tour the better I enjoy the tour!