We recently completed our first RS Tour, Best Of Italy. It was our first trip to Italy, but we have traveled independently throughout Europe. Although the Tour was fast-paced, 2 nights to each stop, it was wonderful not to have to deal with transportation/lodging/admissions, etc. We added days before and after the tour, so our Italian adventure was four weeks long.
So, I am now "dreaming/thinking" about another RS Tour for next year., Just wondering, if anyone reading this post has done two Italian tours in consecutive years. I'm drawn to the Village Italy in 14 Days Tour mainly because of Civita di Bagnoregio. I'm intrigued by a town accessible only by a footbridge.
We are also drawn to the Best of Eastern Europe in 14 Days Tour, but we have already spent several days in Budapest, and it is not one of our favorite cities. Sorry, I know many of you love that city.
Any thoughts, opinions?
Hi Carol, my first RS Tour was My Way Italy in 2013. I had never thought of visiting Sicily, but I heard and saw so many great comments about the RS Sicily Tour, so I took it in 2014 and it was wonderful, and I heartily recommend it. Since then I have taken RS Tours in Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, England and the Balkan countries along the Adriatic, all terrific. I always add days before and after, and generally travel 28 to 40days in all. I especially like smaller towns, and have been thinking about Village Italy, although I have already visited most of the stops in 2013 and 2014. I will say that of all the stops on the Village Italy Tour, I believe Civita de Bagnoregio is one of the LEAST interesting. Yes, it is a unique site, but almost no one lives there, there are no more natives, it is a tourist site to visit for a couple of hours, with almost every person there a tourist. The other stops are real living Italian communities, and are much more exciting and satisfying to me.
We've done two years in a row, and even two tours in a row in one year. We enjoyed Village Italy but our favorite is still Greece, with Portugal and Spain tied for second place.
If you have not yet done Greece, it would be an excellent choice.
Never been in the situation of asking myself 'should I do Italy two years in a row ?' , but am sure I would enjoy it.
We've been to Europe several times - Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland. Our 1st RS Tour was the Italy Venice, Florence, Rome - and it was spectacular! We are debating on our next one - either My Way Alpine or Sicily - we will get to them both, just not sure which one will be in 2018. We hope to go yearly. And we wouldn't hesitate to do Italy in consecutive years - it's our favorite country for FOOD!!
Hi Carol,
Two big thumbs up for The Eastern Europe tour!! We LOVED it!
Hi Carol,
You should get lots of input with this topic.
Back in 2014 I did the Best of Italy and now considering going back to Italy. In the mean time I have done the Greece tour, The Adriatic Tour, and both Spain tours. I would really like to visit more Italian hill towns, love the architecture but I have decided on Sicily since its like Italy & Greece. I plan on staying in the Cinque Terra for a week before and the Amalfi Coast the week after. So just flip a coin to make your decision save $100 before November 30th and know you will have a great experience no matter what you choose.
Liam O'Flaherty
My first RS tour was Heart of Italy in 2013. The next year I did the 21 day Best of Europe which spends 8 nights in Italy followed by Village Italy! It was pretty funny because I had the same guide for Heart of and Village. Trina was wonderful so didn’t mind having her twice!
Village Italy is a terrific tour. There have been a few Trip Reports this year on it as well.
I’ll have to add I was so looking forward to Civita di Bagnoregio. Just did not impress. As mentioned, no one really lives there (except cats) so everyone you see is a tourist. We had bruschetta there as a group. I also have an issue with heights and hated the walk out there and back on the causeway. Ugh. Many others love it, just want you to enjoy every day and not just look forward to one thing. I do recommend you spend at least one extra night in Padua. I did not do that and found there was a lot that I didn’t get to see.
I’ll also say that I wouldnt see any problem doing Italy tours is successive years. But then, since my RS guide got me excited about Paris in 2014 I’ve been back every year. Twice this year! It’s addicting.
I'd suggest looking at a broader selection of tours, and don't be focused on a particular tour because of Civita. While Civita is a unique and interesting place, it's only interesting for a few hours.
You might also have a look at the South Italy and Sicily tours, as those are both awesome. As others have mentioned, Greece is another good choice.
I toured Sicily on my own and loved it. I'm sure the RS tour would be great. I loved the Best of Turkey tour which is again on the schedule, but with the current political situation, who knows if it will really happen. My favorite, though, was the RS Greece tour I took this past spring - loved everything about it except that it ended.
I should have known my question asking for "help" would leave me more confused. People on this forum are all passionate about travel and where they have been, which is great except when trying to make a decision. I really do appreciate all of you who took time to respond and explain your choices. Based on some of your comments, it seems we should now consider Greece since we have never been there. And I appreciate knowing that Civita de Bagnoregio was not as exciting or intriguing as portrayed in pictures. It is MY dream to return to Italy; I love returning to places traveled. Husband's vote is for Eastern Europe since he is Polish.