I just discovered that my hotel in Rome offers the RS% discount. I already have reservations for four nights. How do I get the discounted rate?
I have a quick thought on this. With the hard times hotels have had over the last couple of years, it might be nice to not ask for a discount.
When I reserve I do so directly with the hotel and note that I was "referred by Rick Steves". Sometimes it is a significant discount, sometime not. Don't lose much sleep either way. Rather NOT give a commission to Booking.com, Expedia etc.
Thanks for the comments. I booked it through a travel agent who s familiar with the hotel owner.I will ask her what she thinks I should do. After making the reservations, I also discovered that the hotel is one that Rick Steve’s recommended in his guidebook, so maybe that will make a difference.
It would seem that the RS discount price is the “real” price, or they wouldn’t accept it. Not knowing there’s a RS discount carries a higher rate. And you know of the RS% so they should honor that price. Or are they willing to lose you to another place?
At least ask them for the discount. Or is that something your agent can/will do?
I'd expect with commission to the agent there won't be much left for an additional discount. I've always understood that those discounts are for booking direct...
Perhaps the agent could give you their commission...
As Nigel stated, most discount bookings are for booking direct. Don't forget, 10% of your room rate is going to your travel agent. That's why the hotel wants you to book direct. Now you're asking the hotel to give you an additional discount in addition to what they have to give the travel agent.
Margaret, I agree that since you booked thru an agent, a RS discount probably will not be honored since the agent already gets a chunk. I see you are new to the forum. My suggestion for the future would be to plan your own trips and come to this forum for suggestions and recommendations. The advice here is free and typically quite good and reliable. Happy Travels! You will love Rome.
It's been our experience that even with a "current" guide, rates for restaurants and hotels are about 10 - 15 Euro higher than in the book. I theorize that this probably is because it takes so long from draft to published product. So even with the RS discount, don't be surprised if it's not significantly less that the price cited in the book, if at all. Nevertheless ask, you might get lucky.