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RS Convertible Carry On and KLM Airline


I have the Rick Steves Convertible Carry On that measures 14x21x9. I see that KLMs measurements for a carry on are 13.5x21.5x10. So I am a 1/2 inch larger in the one dimension. Has anyone else flown KLM with this bag and if so did you have any issues? I was hoping that maybe since I have room in the other dimensions and the bag is soft if will kind of smoosh into their measuring bin?

Thoughts and help are greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

Posted by
107 posts

If you stuff it with a solid block measuring 14x21x9 AND they try to stuff it into a sizing bin you might just possibly have an issue :)

Since you will presumably be stuffing it with clothing and it will compress or change shape a bit, and since there's no reason to expect something not obviously oversized to be put in the sizing bin anyway, I can't imagine a situation where a problem result.

Seriously, I'm a worrier, and even I'm ok with this one. In this case, you got no problems. Don't overstuff and all will be well.

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996 posts

I have flown KLM and never had anyone take a second look at my carryon on bag, but I also flew them on the Europe to US leg of things. I'm not sure if they are stricter for flights between European countries which might utilize smaller planes.

Having said that, unless your bag is stuffed to the extreme and expanded, I can't imagine that anyone would catch that 1/2 inch, assuming the RS measurements are true measurements for the bag.

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2902 posts

We just flew London City to Amsterdam on KLM with two very full RS convertibles on our backs. No one batted an eye.

Posted by
25 posts

Thank you for your replies!
I appreciate you taking the time. I am going to bring the bag. :)